
3 Phase 10Kw SolaX Hybrid Inverter


3 Phase 10Kw SOLAX Hybrid Inverter

10 year warranty 

SolaX Power iX-Hybrid Three Phase commercial battery storage inverter. The 3-Phase includes inverters ranging in size from 5 to 10kW, and with the ability to install multiple inverters in parallel, scalable battery storage for commercial applications is now a reality. The inverter is equipped with EPS (Emergency Power Supply) function only when supported by extra changeover devices, has multiple communication options and can be controlled remotely.

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    X3-hybrid-1 specsheet

    3 Phase 10Kw SOLAX Hybrid Inverter

    10 year warranty 

    Our X-Hybrid Three Phase is the perfect storage solution for commercial three phase properties looking to upgrade to solar storage. The X-Hybrid Three Phase can be installed in parallel allowing for up to 100KW and over 250kWh of storage if installed with our 6.3kWh Triple Power.

    With the  SolaX X-Hybrid you can ensure that you never go without power, even during a power-cut. An emergency power supply or ‘EPS’ switch (only available on ‘E’ models) enables the X-Hybrid to work completely off-grid, meaning that any power you have stored on your batteries will now be used in the event of a power cut.

    With the X-Hybrid you can easily set your power export limits based on local requirements. The X-Hybrid comes with built-in export control, allowing you to manage the power you generate, exactly how you want to.

    The inverter determines the most economic source of electricity for you, between photovoltaic, batteries and the electricity network. It regulates battery charging to maximise their lifespan. The SolaX Power inverter puts your data online for free over using Wifi. You can analyse and monitor its performance online. If you are absent, it detects and automatically recharges your batteries. In the evening, you can use this free energy. You are afraid of not having enough power? The inverter can take electricity from the network, without any power limitation. In the event of power outages, it is also able to modulate itself to uphold your power supply. You can produce unlimited electricity.


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